Saturday, February 25, 2012

What does twitter use to encrypt passwords?

Can someone please please please tell me what form of encryption the Twitter Mac App uses to encrypt the passwords you enter into it to the app.

I know it goes to keychain but somewhere in-between it turns it into a strange string of code. When I extract the passwords I can see some strange type of code I don't recognise, Ive tried everything, its not BASE64, MD5, Cisco7 etc.

This is really important and I would be immensely grateful if anyone could tell me what it is and how to decrypt it. Thanks guys!What does twitter use to encrypt passwords?
Whatever it is uses it can't realistically be decrypted, those methods work one-way only. If that wasn't the case they would change it something else.What does twitter use to encrypt passwords?
you can't de crypt password keys, they are only one way. With that said, if you know the password you MAY be able to figure it out if you try encrypting the password using the common schemes like MD5 or SHA, etc. That is assuming they dont add something else (like an account number, etc) to the password in the encryption process.

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