Saturday, February 25, 2012

What is the legel definition of a cult?

Why do some countries label Scientology a cult. Today 2012-Feb-12 Saudi journalist Hamza Kashgari has been deported from Malaysia back to Saudi Arabia. The 23-year-old columnist had sparked outrage following controversial Twitter comments on the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed which were seen to be insulting. Under Islamic Law he faces the death penalty. Why is Islam not an outlawed cult?What is the legel definition of a cult?
Jehovah Witnesses.
Words lose meaning over time, meanings shift, they evolve as it were.What is the legel definition of a cult?
I don't believe there is a legal definition of a cult. If there was then a lot of US Fraternities (and things like the Freemasons) would probably fall under it, causing all kinds of problems
Cult is define as "a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object." Most religions could be considered a cult.What is the legel definition of a cult?
You are not a cult if you are the majority. I don't believe there is a legal definition of a cult. This is standard practice with Islam.
A cult is a group whose beliefs the speaker thinks are too outlandish to be called a religion.

Well, I gotta confess, gives a different answer:

1.a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies. instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult.

3.the object of such devotion.

4.a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.

5.Sociology . a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.

I like my definition better.
A cult to the best of my knowledge is defined as an organization that cuts its members off from their old lives and the outside world. Islam isn't a cult because it doesn't do that
There is no legal definition of cult because the law has no perview in these matters.

According to experts like Dr. Walter Martin, who wrote “The Kingdom of the Cults”? the following 3 things identify a religious organization as a cult.? They deny the deity of Jesus, they deny the doctrine of salvation by grace alone, or they deny the existence of a literal place of torment following death. These three beliefs are the foundation of orthodox Christianity.
Many cults promote the false idea that God has revealed something special to them. This information that has never been revealed and supersedes and contradicts all previous revelations.

Cults justify their existence by claiming they have something more than just the bible and its "inadequate message".

The bible is reinterpreted, usually out of context, to justify the peculiar doctrines of the cult.

Cults are usually characterised by a central leader figure who considers themselves as a messenger from God, with unique access to the almighty.

The leader has such unique access to God that he can dictate the theology of the cult.
These cults don't believe that Jesus Christ came in the flesh and was God also three in one ( the son,the father , holy spirit ) all three are one . Islam believe in SATAN for that is were they got there message from the muslims took part of the bible and the Torah and put it into one book , but there is not one place in there book that says to LOVE one another . Shalom
If I am not mistaken a cult is defined more by the total population. The core beliefs of a cult can be seen in numerous religions that make it hard to seperate religion and cult beliefs
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